Sam Aaron
Journalist of the Year Portfolio
What I will be showcasing:
I've decided to show my two most intriguing broadcast stories, the two most powerful images I've shot, my two most appealing designs, and my ability to inform on social media. Being a visual person i believe that an image is crucial to showing what happened in a story.
Homecoming Football Game Report.
One of the most interesting stories I ever created. My partner Trey and I worked hard to try and create a play by play of the game including the homecoming ceremony. This was our first rendition of doing a play by play and I learned so much about the most efficient ways of editing and most effective ways to film a football game.
State House Tours
This was a story that was created to showcase all the state house has to offer. I had to get very creative with videography and editing to display interesting shots of the state house.
This photo was design to evoke emotion, and really make you feel for the people affected by the dammage. I figured the best way to do this was to show a close up of the wreckage on the side of the road. The photo eded up being used in The Renaissance as our cover photo.
Historic State Flood.
This photo was taken during an assembly where our dancers preform in front of practically the whole school. I feel that this photo truly captivates the emotion going through the dancers body.
The Winter Dance Assembly.
1,000 Ways To Become A Star
My first sports spread. I created this spread using inspiration from an old Sports Illustrated article that I had seen. This design does a good job remaining balanced with lots of color. I love the look of white text with the colored background.
My first spread. I created this spread using all my own ideas I thought it would be visually appealing to have one huge picture along with several smaller pictures. The spread has great balance. I learned so much from this spread and brought it with me in the future.
New Middle School Open for Business.
Social Media Presence.
To the best of my ability on our publications account i try to retweet score updates from games i can't attend and post photos for the games I can attend. Trey and I work very hard to make sure that our students are informed.